eminentpschool@yahoo.com 7828228141, 8839451404, 7000929150, 8269091872

Admission Process.

Students seeking admission in EPS dhar, should clear the Entrance exam for the respective class for eq:- a child seeking admission in class IV Grade should clear the Entrance Exam of C- IV. The syllabus for the concerned grade will be given to the student from the office. After clearing the Entrance exam   Parents should complete the office formalities. 

                                              Following documents should submit at the time of admission. 

1. TC Original

2. Passport Size Photo (2 )

3. Mark sheet of the previous class Original 

4. Photo copy of SSSMID 

5. Photo copy of Aadhar card 

6. Photo copy of Birth Certificate 

7.  Photo copy of Ration Card 

8.  Photo copy of Pass Book of Bank Account 

9.  Photo copy of old school Dise code Number 

 Note -

1) Along with document 1st Installment should be deposited.

2)  10%  increase in fee is scheduled in every year .