eminentpschool@yahoo.com 7828228141, 8839451404, 7000929150, 8269091872

Eminent Public School

We are

About Us

Eminent is one of the institutions of city established since 2000 and has the motto “Good Thoughts – Good Words – Good Deeds”. Our effort is to reach for the sky for physical, mental and intellectual growth of the child and the pursuit of excellence in all these fields is a relentless and a limitless quest. The schools strive to achieve peaks of excellence in the academic field as well in life itself through a large variety of curriculum and co-curriculum projects. Schools helps the child to learn while growing. We believe that before children learn to read or write, they must effectively be trained to communicate intelligently with confidence. They must nurture a rational mind capable of comprehending the world and its happenings.We aim to avoid the mediocrity of conventional learning and sincerely wish to share the joy of moulding spiritual and secure human beings contented with their achievements.

Principal's Picture

Principal's Thoughts

Dreams though fantasy are not always imaginary. They are related to our desires, that are curious to get there fulfillment. Hence our dreams can be translated into reality by perseverance, continuous hard work, firm determination and staunch belief in one’s abilities and of course, we are prone to do long chain of efforts. Eminent school envisages to bring a chance in current social setup through children, who will develop and all round personality, free from all inhibition and prejudices, social of religious, so that they may become a useful and responsible citizen of a large democracy and above all a good human being. We are proud of our past cultural heritage, present achievements and future vision. Eradication of evils from the society will be done by the children if value-based education is imparted to them along with the current syllabus. Since children learn through imitations, we present examples before them, through teacher and parents. We are promised bound bring integration, harmony and peace for everyone. Apparently, it seems to be a difficult task but I have strong faith in the capacities of my children. I hope, with the team of Dedicated and Determined teachers along with enlightened parents like you, we will be successful in bringing complete Development in them.
  • Dr. P Bhuvanendran Principal, Eminent

Our Mission

Eminent school - Our Mission is to improve overall personality development of the tribal students, of India, Where 54 % of the learning community coming from, poor Socio-economic financial background. Here, education is given least important / priority. The concept of investment on human being has no signifies in their life. Here our mission receives impetus significance for developing greatest ability among the down trodden Section of the society and also tries to bring them into national stream. Here we, focus on making quality education with overall personality development of our students more accesable and affordable way, so that many of them could purse their dream of excellence in short span. In our mission, we believe that our children could help, to make the world a better place. It is also our mission to develop acculturisation among these learning community to understand investment on human capital gains much significance in future generations together. We are sure that these dreams will come true, once the society gets benefits from the present generation.

Proiting Body

emint school - Indian Cultural Association is established, with other members with the ideology and thoughts for social cause. It is registered with Registrar of Societies (Madhya Pradesh) as a non proprietary, non- profit organization with the main objectives to develop and propagate educational programs, by establishing well – infrastructured schools, colleges, universities or other educational institutions at city and other tribal dominated areas. Here admissions are open to all, without any discrimination of race, Caste or creed or religions. We strongly believe that our mission will help to make the world a better place. The Core of our vision is to inculcate Knowledge in the mind of our young students, moral, ethical values on heart and along with a sense of commitment towards. Elders / disabled, needy and the society as a whole.


School has best sports facilities to develop, overall personality development of our students. It has separate Volley ball court, Basketball court, T.T. court, Badminton court, where as, simultaneously, children get practice of the said stream. Specially talented students, stay back in the school after the regular class for special practices and explore the benefit. The school has its own teams in the field viz; Cricket, Volley ball, Basketball, shuttle badminton, Kabbadi , Kho-Kho along with indoor games like Chess, Carom etc. Children frequently participate in inter school competition and get laurels for the school. Students viz; Madhav Waghela of class VIII, Student Name of class – IX got selection in the district level Kabbadi team

Our Staff

School has a committed, devoted team of teachers; here we are, able to lay the foundation of academic excellence, and able to meet the growing challenges of time. All teachers are given frequent training to update their Knowledge in the concerned area, by different agencies. These area Includes class room management, skill development, viz, reading, writing, Listening, understanding, etc. They also undergo regular training session in areas such as teaching methodology and use of technology in the class.

Examinations & Parent Interaction

Subject wise weekly test of 20 marks are scheduled on every Saturday. In all four cycles of weekly test are held during each session. More over two terminals and one, Annual examinations are scheduled in academic session. Term – wise each paper carries 50 marks. OPEN HOUSE is organised after every monthly test. Parents can interact with teachers in free mind, about the academic performance of their wards. Enthusiastically parents takes maximum benefit of its. There as the consequeue output is reflected on their wards and vice-versa. Every child is a competent learner and deserves the best. Curriculum refers, all the subjects taught in a school premises which helps him/her to gain experience in a well defined manner. It starts form tender age with interesting syllabus and appropriate activity, which enhance their development, including personal/ emotional physical and gradually leads to understand the world surrounding him/her leads to problem solving capacity though communication, language and literacy development. Ultimately reach the end of problem solving. For this entire process Curriculum helps the areas of subject like Maths, Hindi, Science. Social Science along with Art, Craft Dance with well equipped Audio – visual, Smart classes.

Extracurricular Activities

Eminent school has -Various activities, other than academic are held in the school to groom the students. They are fancy dress, English & Hindi recitation, Rakhi making competition, poster making competition, solo dance, group dance, group song etc. The school has its own team in each sector and they participate various district level / state level / national level competition, whenever, where ever it takes place and get fame to the school. The school has its own. Quiz competition team for junior / senior section and got laurels to the school many times.

Academic Facilities

School aims to provide the best academic facilities to our students, at the at most support to learn in the best possible way. We have taken sincere care that the latest technology is being used to provide students with real life experience. Hence computer education has been made an integral part of teaching from KG – I to Class XII, here at the school. Some of the facilities, where the school has made the leaning, an interesting experience are mentioned below.

  • Labs
  • Music Room
  • Computer Labs & many other

Bus Facilities

Eminent - School provides an excellent bus facility which has route covers the entire city of Dhar, at a radius of 25 kilometers. The school fleet consist of 16 buses. These buses are spacious with a capacity to carry 40 to 52 students along with C.C.T.V. camera, G.P.S. Seat 7 belt etc. The teachers/ Lady Conductors,ensure discipline in the bus. So that bus rules are not flouted. The drivers are responsible to drop the children at their stop,within 40 minutes of the school getting over.

Pre-Primary School

School has a separate preprimary zone where a green park is established with all play items / slides to create a family atmosphere in the mind / heart of tender children. Here learning take place through fun and games. The entire campus is well covered by compound wall, Once these kids enter the campus they are safe in all respect. Well trained Montessori teachers take care of them through out the day along with bais (Class – IV) to fulfill the needs of them till they are in the campus.

Primary School

School has a separate primary building with their own computer lab and library, playground to impart best education to these lots. All class room are digitalised with modern teaching aids like white/ green board together with audio – video aids. Visual explanation of events gives a clear picture to the children on every issue, also a greater understanding soon, in shortspan.

Middle/Higher Secondary School

School has a combined middle / higher section where, the entire campus is under surveillance of CCTV camera. This wing has it’s own library, computer lab, playground. Where without interference from other section, they get their best education.


Class XI & XII are having all streams viz; PCM/PCB Commerce, Physical Education, Information Practice / Computer Science etc. Stream like Home Science, Biotechnology will be started shortly.

Knowledge Center

The school has its own Knowledge Centre, from where, all digitalized Class rooms are controlled / moitarised by the experts. From this centre, timely instructions are given to update curriculum, Teachers are given special training to handle Knowledge Centre..